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Passing of Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan

Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan

The passing of Dr. Patrick Flanagan should be one of the top breaking news of the day, considering the achievements of this outstanding inventor and philanthropist, and the many hearts and minds Patrick touched around the world. Including your good friend Tom Vrilock here.

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Doctor G. Patrick Flanagan born in 1944 passed away on December 20, 2019 in his home in Ecuador, and in the arms of his life partner Stephanie Sutton. Patrick was struggling for a month before his spirit at last let go of his body, and has since moved on into the after-life. Patrick will be greatly missed for a number of reasons, notwithstanding his outstanding achievements in scientific breakthroughs, but also his spiritual pursuits for a better world and a happy, healthy humanity for all people around the world.

For a biography about Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan, please visit his company’s web site ate or

Consider shopping for Patrick’s Mega-Hydrate. (I patronize Dr. Flanagan’s Crystal Energy and Mega-Hydrate, personally.)

So, why is Dr. Flanagan so important to someone like your favorite masked man, Tom Vrilock? Well, Patrick Flanagan is important to me for a number of reasons - some personal, while other reasons are tied into my pioneering in psionics and psychic experimentation.

I was often watching Dr. Flanagan’s videos, usually rewatching the interviews Patrick did. While I was living abroad I found Dr. Flanagan’s philosophical points of view refreshing. There were times when I felt rather isolated living in the suburbs and countryside of a foreign land. So, when I heard Patrick Flanagan talk about growing up as an odd sheep in society, following intuitions, and receiving instructions from the cosmic ‘source’, I realized a number of similarities in my own life.

But, I digress.

If you’d like to listen to my podcast about Dr. Flanagan, and my official farewell to one of the greatest minds—albeit, one of the greatest human beings on the planet—then click on my PodBean podcast at Planet Vrilock right here >>>

As I mentioned, Dr. Patrick Flanagan was equally important to me as an influencer in the world of the invisible spectrum, the paranormal, metaphysics, and ultimately my own pursuits in psionics, radionics, dowsing, and esoteric studies. Dr. Patrick Flanagan was a classic genius, full of fun, humor, quirkiness, and lightyears ahead of his time. During my work with amplifying patterns which can transmit psychic or magical energy from one place to another—or from one mind to another—I worked with some 2-dimensional pyramid patterns, 3-d desktop pyramid models, and circuit drawings, some of which were influenced by Dr. Patrick Flanagan and my old mentor Charles Cosimano. I remember hearing some about Dr. Flanagan from the psychic fairs and dowsing society events I attended in the early to mid 1990’s. Of those events I attended my primary influences were of course my mother’s interest in Ufology, and then my phone call with Sig Lonegren - which led me to attend one of the best meetups of the American Society of Dowsers Orange County chapter (Which I believe O.C. chapter has been closed/ terminated for many years now).

Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan Pendant

A pendant from Dr. Patrick Flanagan

I’ve worked with a number of psionics instruments to study the universe, as well as contact the departed souls of geniuses, including Nikola Tesla - A name Dr. Patrick Flanagan was tied to, as Dr. Flanagan attended and gave lectures at the Tesla Society a number of times.

Amplifying Pattern Charles Cosimano

An amplifying pattern by Charles W. Cosimano

Overall, I believe I will miss hearing news about Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan. And the biggest reason for this feeling of loss I have been experiencing since yesterday is not what many people might expect. Yes, yes. I recognize Dr. Flanagan’s outstanding achievements of academia, research and development (Department of Unconventional Warfare,…etc.), health and spiritual wellness (I use Dr. Flanagan’s MegaHydrate and Crystal Power), and his work to produce the Neurophone, which can allow a deaf person to hear. But, it isn’t all of this which grieves me most. Instead, I believe it is Dr. Flanagan’s essence, spirit, and the light which reached out from his voice and person in all of these wonderful interviews Patrick Flanagan has been filmed in, and it is these moments of truth and spiritual shared wisdom which gave me a friend in my lonesome hours living abroad in a foreign land that I will miss most of all about Patrick Flanagan.

Watch Dr. Flanagan give a lecture at the Tesla Society here >>>

Some people come into the world bringing with them the light. I believe Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan is indeed such a person who did bring wisdom and a spiritual light to the world.

Tune in to Planet Vrilock on PodBean to hear my farewell podcast tribute to the departed and beloved Dr. Patrick Flanagan >>>

Until next time… Keep The Magick High!

Tom Vrilock. Signing out!

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