IPK Psionics Training and Technology
Intro: Herr Doktor Vrilock starts you on the journey to successful distant incidental psychokinetic influence! Also, known as remote...
Psionic Splicing Futures
You are entering into the world of the strange and mysterious, wherein all powers from beyond the grave and outside the unfathomable!
Psionic Necromancy
Necromancy is dowsing or divining the dead. We use psionics or mind machines to contact and communicate with the Dead. Read Tom Vrilock Magi
Dynamic Dowsing Disclosure
Halt! Stop right there young mage! Before you reset your password try my dowsing methods. Tom Vrilock discloses the secrets of dowsing and s
New Clone of Typhoon Neoguri - Same Old NWO
Psionics and weather technology, a front against the global technocrat tyranny with the Psionic Brotherhood leading the frontline of spiritu
Rune Rise and Psionics Projects
Everyone who has put forth some degree of practice into psionics knows that radionics and sigils has some limits. Let us break these limits
Vrilock’s Troth of Space and Psionics
The Troth of Space is a comic book about a journey into psionics, based on the true story of Tom Vrilock
Prayer Board Origins: Vrilock's Discovery
Vrilock's New Thought-Movement and the Psionic Brotherhood unleash the force to save lives with the New Miraculous Prayer Board Mini. Re